內政部空中勤務總隊 | National Airborne Service Corps ,Ministry of the Interior |
內政部空中勤務總隊處務規程 | Organization Directions of the National Airborne Service Corps, Ministry of the Interior |
內政部空中勤務總隊編制表 | Organization Chart of the National Airborne Service Corps, Ministry of the Interior |
總隊長 | Director-general |
副總隊長 | Deputy Director-general |
主任秘書 | Chief Secretary |
勤務指揮中心 | Duty Command Center |
機務組 | Maintenance Division |
航務組 | Aviation Mission Division |
飛安監理會 | Aviation Safety Commission |
秘書室 | Secretariat |
主計室 | Accounting Office |
人事室 | Personnel Office |
飛航公告 | NOTAM |
政風室 | Civil Service Ethics Office |
機長 | Pilot-in-command |
搜救協調中心 | Rescue co-ordination centre |
相關航情 | Traffic information |
交管單位 | Transferring unit |
空中防撞系統 | Traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS) |
直升機停機位 | Helicopter stand |