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The National Airborne Service Corps held a forum with the business to discuss cooperation between the public and private sectors, aiming to achieve a win-win situation

  • Release Date:2023-04-25
  • Source:空中勤務總隊

An anti-corruption symposium was held at Ching-Chuan-Kang Air Force Base in Taichung on April 21 to promote the partnership between the public and private sectors, deepen the communication channels, and enhance the contractors’ idea of management. The National Airborne Service Corps, Ministry of the Interior invited the representatives of the contractors, including Air Asia Company Limited, Airbus Helicopters Southeast Asia Pte Ltd, Taiwan Branch, etc. to promote the agendas of “following the laws and regulations, achieving honest management, and fulfilling corporate responsibility.” The representatives of the National Airborne Service Corps, Section Chief Liu Yao-chung of the Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice and the Director-General Ou Chien-chih of the Department of Civil Service Ethics, Ministry of the Interior also attended the meeting. 
The National Airborne Service Corps had invited Lu Cheng- yuan, Deputy Director of the Service Center in Central and Southern Taiwan, Legislative Yuan as the representative of the businesses to present a talk. With cases as practical examples, Mr. Lu approached the issue from the perspective of business management. From the prospects of the criteria and contract regarding the procurement-related laws and regulations, he explained how the staff of the government organizations and businesses should observe the enterprise honesty principles and procurement ethics. He also analyzed the possible mistakes and controversies that might be derived in different stages to remind the businesses to follow the principles of fairness and justice when pursuing their interests, and for the staff of the National Airborne Service Corps to also follow the guidelines of fairness, justice and openness. 
While chairing the forum, General Commander Ching Yen-yuan, the National Airborne Service Corps expressed that, “integrity and honesty” are the principles for business management. “Laws and regulations” are the prime goals for the internal control of businesses. At the same time, they are also the rules that civil servants must observe. The forum and discussion aimed to consolidate the foundation for the exchange between the public and private sectors and build up mutual consensus for cooperation. He expected the businesses to follow the rules and fulfill the contracts with integrity. Consolidating the maintenance of the helicopters of the National Airborne Service Corps, it will collaborate with the businesses to uphold the flight safety of the corps.